Monday, June 14, 2010

wood fire pics

I seek to represent the nature of the medium i work in. I embrace the rough and gritty textures of clay to turn them in to a simple piece. I most love wood fire as a glaze fire to accomplish this because it imparts a little spontaneity to the pot and a softness to the surface. it allows me to further express the material nature of clay and the wood I fire with.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Sunday, November 8, 2009


lately i have been turning away from pure function and am opting for a more sculptural aspect to my work. I have been making vases out of slabs of clay and at first i was focusing on them being able to hold flowers (and water) but as i continued to make them i started to stretch and even brake through the slab leaving holes in the vase. clay has an innate ability to read as flesh and for that reason these riped vases have a sort of morbid beauty to them and I'm really fascinated by that moment things change from utilitarian to sculptural work and want to explore the idea. I'm thinking of using tea pot, cruet, and pitcher forms to explore the idea of function.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

3d design

I got rained out on my pictures but i have one image of a site spacific piece from 3d design

the project was about line. the picture quality is poor (half bad lighting, half my cheep camera) it was installed in the stairway of the school on the ground floor.

Friday, September 25, 2009